HARI Raya Aidilfitri or Eid al-Fitr, marks the end of the month-long fasting of Ramadan. In Malaysia, it’s customary for city folks to balik kampung to be with their families, seek forgiveness and celebrate. In addition to the traditional practices, Hari Raya is also a time when many Malaysians open the doors to their homes, and host Raya open house parties, welcoming family and friends to join in on the celebration with good food and good company.

At Raya open houses, the usual classic dishes like rendang, ketupat, nasi impit and an assortment of cookies and local kuih are ever present throughout the season, but in recent times, new classics have also been created and added to the list of must-have Raya dishes. Newer classics like nasi impit goreng have been gaining popularity and is often seen on Malay festive tables lately. Nasi impit goreng is essentially nasi impit, but it is fried with various ingredients, similar to fried rice but with a different textural effect. New additions to a festive table always make for an exciting venture as you could potentially find a great dish that will be a hit with friends and family.

Here, Safura Atan shares several recipes that you can offer your guests this festive season:

1. Chicken Rendang (top pic).

2. Sayur Lodeh.

Sayur Lodeh

Sayur Lodeh

3. Kuah Kacang.

Kuah Kacang

Kuah Kacang

4. Nasi Daging.

Nasi Daging

Nasi Daging

5. Nasi Impit Goreng.

Nasi Impit Goreng

Nasi Impit Goreng

6. Lengkong Santan Pandan.

Lengkong Santan Pandan

Lengkong Santan Pandan

7. Peanut Cookies.

Peanut Cookies

Peanut Cookies

8. Kek Gula Hangus.

Kek Gula Hangus

Kek Gula Hangus

These recipes were first published in Flavours magazine.

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1 thought on “A Raya to remember: A mix of traditional and new favourites”

  1. Yusuf Moise - July 19, 2016 at 7:19 am

    wow londeh..


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