HAVING trouble convincing your kids to eat healthy? Adorable bentos could be the solution to your problem! In Japan, bentos are often arranged or designed in a way that mimics cute animals, cartoon characters or to make it more appealing to kids. Not only are the bentos cute, they’re healthy too.

Adding a touch of fun and whimsy in food presentation will make eating lunch more enjoyable. It’s also a great way to introduce new food to your children in tiny portions.

Mission Foods recently teamed up with consultant dietitian Indra Balaratnam as well as celebrity moms, Aishah Sinclair and Sazzy Falak, to share inspiring and inventive ideas for quick and healthy bentos using wraps, pita, naan and chips. Here are three cute bento ideas to get you started today.

1. Dinosaur Quesadillas Bento (top pic)

This dinosaur-themed bento is just too cute to eat. The flower garden is made up of a leafy salad strewn with edible flowers.  At the side is a dinosaur nest made up of a base of tortilla chips, mixed nuts and a boiled egg with dots.

Dinosaur Quesadillas Bento.



2. Flower Pizza Bento

Instead of a boring pizza slice, your kids can look forward to a flower-shaped pizza that will definitely be the cause of excitement and wonder.

Flower Pizza Bento.



3. Tornado Chips Bento

Does your kid love cheese and nachos? This bento recipe consists of a snazzy bed of tortilla chips nachos topped with crushed avocados and melted cheese, served with a fresh salsa.

Tornado Chips Bento.


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