• Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Easy

Recipe Ingredient

  • 10 potatoes (170g)
  • Enough salt
  • A little oil


  1. To bake potatoes whole in their skins, scrub them clean and blot dry with absorbent kitchen paper. Rub the potatoes with a little salt or oil, if desired.
  2. Pierce the potatoes with a fork to allow steam to escape as they bake. (This prevents the potatoes from bursting.)
  3. Place the whole potatoes on a tray pan in the oven. Turn the potatoes once during the baking because the side of the potato that is in contact with the baking pan may become slightly soggy.
  4. Potatoes that are seasoned with salt just before baking gives the finished potatoes a better flavour and texture.
  5. It takes around one hour to bake the 10 potatoes. To test if they are done, pierce the potatoes with a fork. If there is no resistance when the fork is pierced into the potatoes, they are done.
  6. The skin of a potato should be crisp on the outside while the inside should be tender, moist and fluffy.
  7. To get an even browning, always stir the potatoes as often as possible.

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