• Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Cook Time 30 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Normal

Recipe Ingredient

  • 1kg Russet or all-purpose potatoes
  • Oil for deep frying
  • Salt to taste


  1. Peel potatoes and rinse in water immediately (do not soak), pat dry and cut into sticks - these procedures help to cut down the amount of oil absorbed by the potato, prevent sticking and ensure crispness.
  2. Preheat oil; the oil is hot enough if it sizzles when potato is added. Fry the potato in small batches to avoid reducing the temperature and preventing the fries from sealing; if they don´t seal the potato will absorb too much oil and turn soft.
  3. Double-fried potatoes are crisper. To double-fry, fry first for 5-6 minutes in moderately hot oil (about 150ºC), remove before they turn golden, drain and cool. Heat oil to 190ºC and re-fry for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Pat dry with paper towels and sprinkle some salt over.
  4. For a less fatty alternative, `fry´ the potatoes in the oven. Coat potatoes with heated oil (1 tbsp for 1 cup potato), and cook at 220ºC for 8 minutes and 180ºC until tender, about 15 minutes.
  5. Fluffy inside and crisp outside - that´s the secret to great fries.
  6. The best potato for frying is a low-moisture, low-sugar variety (which won´t brown too quickly) such as the Russet. For optimum results, use fresh oil for frying.

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