• Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Easy

Recipe Ingredient

  • 300g Yam
  • 2 teaspoons five-spice powder
  • 600g streaky pork
  • 5 pieces preserved red beancurd (fuyi)
  • Sugar
  • Garlic


  1. Peeled and sliced yam into thin rectangles.
  2. Lightly fry the yam rectangles with garlic and two teaspoons of five-spice powder, then set aside.
  3. Next, we come to the business of dealing with a kati slab of streaky pork. It is preferable that the cut has a certain thickness to it so that it can withstand a fair amount of cooking processes.
  4. Boil the pork till medium rare. Lift out, drain and marinate with generous sploshes of thick black soya sauce. Allow the sauce to colour the meat into a dark brownish shade.
  5. After that, deep fry till the skin of the meat is crispy. Once done, lift up and dunk in a basin of cold water. Cut the meat into rectangles the same size as the yam. Marinate these pieces with sugar and five pieces of preserved red beancurd, a pungent-smelling condiment called fu yi.
  6. Allow 45 minutes for marinating. Now the rectangles of meat and yam are ready to be arranged in a bowl in the fashion of one slice of yam followed by one slice of meat.
  7. Once the bowl is full, steam it over a charcoal fire for two hours.

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2 thoughts on “Kau Yook (Steamed Yam with Streaky Pork)”

  1. Foong Kuan - January 9, 2020 at 12:52 pm

    Hi, may I know is Fuyi or Lamyi

    • Edmund Ho - January 13, 2020 at 1:33 pm

      Hi Foong Kuan, Fuyi (腐乳) is Fermented tofu and Lamyi (南乳) is red fermented tofu. Happy Cooking!


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