Recipe Description
Welcome, Kuali Bakers! This time, we are showcasing all the most ‘terer’ Malaysian-themed burnt cheesecake submissions here! To enter our giveaway, all you need to do is serve up your most ‘terer’ Malaysian-themed burnt cheesecake using Anchor Cream Cheese, which is the key ingredient to a yummylicious silky burnt cheesecake. Read our full instructions here to win! This recipe is courtesy of Aida Rusli for the “Burnt Cheesecake, Let’s Make It Malaysian-lah!” Contest.
This recipe is best with

Recipe Ingredient
- 600 gm cream cheese
- 150 gm gula castor
- 260gm whipping cream
- 4 biji telur gred A
- 2 tbs tepung gandum
- 1 tbs esen pandan
- Sos Cheese Leleh
- 200 gm cream cheese
- 1/2 cawan whipping cream
- 1/2 cawan susu pekat
- 1 cawan susu segar
- Topping
- 1/2 cawan whipped cream (non-dairy)
- Sos gula melaka (ready-made)
- Pukul cream cheese dan gula castor hingga lembut.
- Kemudian masukkan telur dan pukul hingga kembang.
- Bila adunan sudah kembang, masukkan whipping cream.
- Bila adunan sudah mesra, masukkan tepung dan esen pandan. Pukul lagi hingga mesra.
- Masukkan dalam loyang 8 inci.
- Panaskan oven 170 darjah celcius selama 10 minit sebelum masukkan loyang. Bakar selama 1 jam atau sehingga atas kek sedikit hangus.
- Biarkan sejuk sebelum simpan di dalam chiller semalaman sebelum di hias.
- Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender. Blend sehingga sebati dan adunan halus. Siap untuk di tuang diatas burnt cheesecake yang telah sejuk.
- Pukul whipped cream sehingga kembang dan ratakan diatas cheecake tadi. Sejukkan.
Sos Cheese Leleh