Recipe Description
This recipe is a courtesy of Anchor Dairy.
This recipe is best with

Recipe Ingredient
- Seaweed Cream Cheese Dip:
- 500g Anchor Cream Cheese
- 250g Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream
- 5g seaweed powder
- 5g dried wakame, toasted
- 5g kombu, toasted
- salt, a pinch
- black pepper, a pinch
- Truffle Cream Cheese Dip:
- 500g Anchor Cream Cheese
- 250g Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream
- 25g truffle oil
- 10g onion powder
- salt, a pinch
- black pepper, a pinch
- Smoked Garlic Cream Cheese Dip:
- 200g whole smoke garlic
- 200g olive oil
- 500g Anchor Cream Cheese
- 250g Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream
- salt, a pinch
- black pepper, a pinch
- Toast wakame and kombu in oven at 150C for 5 mins or until slightly roasted, then let it cool completely. With a food processor or dry blender, blend toasted wakame, toasted kombu, and nori flakes until very fine
- Cut Anchor Cream Cheese to cubes, temper to room temperature for 30mins
- Heat Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream to lightly simmer
- With a food processor, add Anchor Cream Cheese and got cooking cream together and blitz until smooth. Transfer to pot and heat mixture temperature to 85C remove from heat and add blended seaweed, adjust seasoning accordingly. *Adjust cooking cream for desire consistency
- Confit smoked garlic with olive oil at 150C for 30mins or until smoked garlic soften
- Mash 100g smoked garlic confit until become puree set aside until needed
- Cut Anchor Cream Cheese to cubes, temper to room temperature for 30 mins
- Heat Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream to lightly simmer
- With a food processor, add Anchor Cream Cheese and hot cooking cream together and blitz until smooth. Transfer to pot and heat mixture temperature to 85C.
- Remove from heat, mix in truffle oil, onion powder, and adjust seasoning accordingly. *Adjust cooking cream for desire consistency
To Prepare Seaweed Cream Cheese Dip:
To Prepare Smoked Garlic Cream Cheese Dip: