You’ve probably heard about lactation cookies that are known to improve a mother’s milk supply. These breastfeeding snacks are recommended by many breastfeeding women as a simple (and yummy!) method to stimulate, maintain, and replenish your milk supply. Thad & Mik’s home baked lactation cookies do just that!
These scrumptious cookies are baked to perfection by blending the perfect mix of galactagogue ingredients which are known to promote the boosting of milk production for breastfeeding mothers like organic oats, flaxseed and Brewer’s yeast.
Lactation cookies gift set setLactation cookies gift set
Their cookies are not limited to breastfeeding moms only. They also offer a selection of premium cookies and also, Grandma cookies for more senior cookie lovers! Their Grandma cookies are freshly baked using coconut sugar and softer nuts which are better for the teeth and gums as they do not give the cookies the typical crunch, perfect for the elderlies.

And the best part is, they are available in flavours that will leave spoilt for choices, such as Almond, White Chocolate Chip, Coffee Chip, Coffee Oat, and many more! If you’re looking for a way to encourage good lactation, look no further. Treat yourself with Thad & Mik’s lactation-boosting cookie bites, or purchase their gift sets for a loved one at The Batter Place!